


wingspan : male 25/29, female 28 mm

Hermeuptychia sp that we could not identify, but which is not very different from H. hermes and also from North American species like intricata ; it is our morphotype 1 (see

the set male and female could belong to the same species, but we can't be positive. Calderon, Durango, Lita, las Juntas, las Golondrinas, Pedro Vicente Maldonado.

specimens with "blind" eyespots are not rare (if they all belong to the same species ?).

Hermeuptychia sp (in copula) a Calderón
Hermeuptychia sp a las Golondrinas, Pichincha
Hermeuptychia sp a las Golondrinas, Pichincha
Hermeuptychia sp al NE de Quininde
Hermeuptychia sp a las Tangaras
Hermeuptychia sp a las Tangaras
Hermeuptychia sp al NE de Quininde
Hermeuptychia sp cerca de Lita
Hermeuptychia sp cerca de Santo Domingo
Hermeuptychia sp cerca de Santo Domingo
Hermeuptychia sp a San Carlos
Hermeuptychia sp a San Carlos
Hermeuptychia sp a San Carlos
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