

wingspan : 31/32mm

Pareuptychia sp, los Cedros, and many other places at low to medium altitudes ; we found this Pareuptychia sp all over Ecuador, it appears on the four sites as n. id. 2.

these butterflies could be Pareuptychia hesionides, although the type of hesionides comes from Bolivia.

it would take a miracle for all the Pareuptychia on the pictures below to belong to the same species...

Pareuptychia sp a los Cedros
Pareuptychia sp a los Cedros
Pareuptychia sp a Alto Tambo
Pareuptychia sp a Milpe
Pareuptychia sp en la ruta a Milpe
Pareuptychia sp a Pedro Vicente Maldonado
Pareuptychia sp cerca de Mindo
Pareuptychia sp a San Carlos
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