
Noroeste Noreste


Sudoeste Sudeste


as is often the case with Heliconius, Heliconius cydno has many ssp, and you can find all possible intermediate forms between these ssp that do not mean much.

what we saw is that :
- near the Andes fly exclusively yellow forms,
- on the Coast, only white forms
- and, from the Andes to the Coast, you go gradually from a majority of yellow forms to a majority of white forms,

and it is the same thing from North to South,
- at the border with Colombia, the HW border, wether it be white or yellow, is very narrow or absent,
- in the South, los Cedros, Bilsa, la Mana, this border is very wide.
- and, in between, the whole range of possible forms.

as can be seen on the above pictures, taking a look at one butterfly tells you, more or less, where it comes from.

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